
Milena Donato Oliva


Phone: +55 (21) 99801-7696

Lattes Curriculum Address:

Languages: Portuguese and English

Professional Experience

Partner at Gustavo Tepedino Advogados (GTA) law firm since its foundation in 2006.

Associate Professor in the Department of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

Professor in the Master’s and Doctoral Programs at the Faculty of Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).



Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Private Law from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ).


Main publications


General Theory of Civil Law. Fundamentals of Civil Law Series, Vol. 1, 5th ed., Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2024.

From Fiduciary Arrangement to Trust. São Paulo: Atlas, 2014.

Segregated Assets: Estate, Bankruptcy Estate, Securitization of Real Estate Receivables, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Investment Trusts, and Trusts. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2009.

Books edited:

The Civil Code After the Economic Freedom Act. Editora Processo, 2023.

General Data Protection Act: Its Repercussions in Brazilian Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais: e suas repercussões no direito brasileiro), 3rd ed., São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2023.

Law in the Digital Era: Transactional, Procedural, and Registry Aspects. Juspodivm, 2022.

Issues in Civil Law – A Tribute to Thirty Years of Teaching by Professor Gustavo Tepedino, Written by His Advisees and Former Advisees. Forense Publishing House, 2021.

General Theory of Civil Law – Controversial Issues, Vol. 1, Belo Horizonte: Forum, 2019.


Articles and book chapters: 

The Benefit of Piercing the Corporate Veil. In: Marcelo Vieira von Adamek; André Nunes Conti (Eds.), Disregard of Legal Entity: Requirements, Consequences, and Case Studies. Quartier Latin Publishing House, 2024, Vol. 1.

Segregated Assets in Brazilian Law. In: André Abelha; Ricardo Campelo (Eds.), Segregated Assets: Tax, Accounting, Corporate, Labor, Registry, and Consumer Aspects. IBRADIM, 2024.

Biphasic Method for Quantifying Non-Pecuniary Damages. In: Ana Frazão; Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva (Eds.), Private Law: Studies in Honor of Justice Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino. Quartier Latin Publishing House, 2024.

Clauses Limiting the Obligation to Indemnify in Contracts Between Data Controllers and Data Processors. In: Fundamental Rights and New Technologies: A Tribute to Professor Danilo Doneda. GZ Publishing House, 2024.

Civil Liability for Loss of Chance: A Matter of Damage or Causation? Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFPR, Vol. 68, 2023.

Legal Personality, Capacity, and Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Constitutional Legality. In: Trajectories of Civil Law – Studies in Honor of Professor Heloisa Helena Barboza. Foco Publishing House, 2023.

Non-Pecuniary Damage and Contractual Non-Performance. In: Anderson Motta; Carla Moutinho; Marcelo Cabral (Eds.), Civil Liability and Its Contemporary Trends: Studies in Honor of Professor Carlos Edison do Rêgo Monteiro Filho. Foco Publishing House, 2023.

Impacts of the Consumer Protection Code on Brazilian Society. In: Anderson Schreiber; Marco Aurélio Bezerra de Melo (Eds.), Law and Social Transformation. Foco Publishing House, 2023.

Sharing of Real Estate Guarantees Through Fiduciary Title. In: Marcus Vinícius Motter Borges (Ed.), Essential Doctrines of Real Estate Law, 2023.

The Abusive Practice of “DM for Price” and the Supplier’s Civil Liability for Discriminatory Pricing. Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 143, 2022.

Notes on Usucaption in Brazilian Law. In: Heloisa Helena Barboza (Ed.), 20 Years of the Civil Code: Present and Future Perspectives. Processo Publishing House, 2022.

Civil Liability of Software Developers Towards Their Business Partners. In: Tales Calaza; Viviane Ramone Tavares (Eds.), Civil Law 5.0: New Theories on Law and Technology. LAECC, 2022.

Controversial Aspects Regarding Digital Inheritance. In: Milena Donato Oliva; Andre Vasconcelos Roque (Eds.), Law in the Digital Era: Transactional, Procedural, and Registry Aspects. Juspodivm, 2022.

The Protection of Personal Data in Brazil and Europe. In: Gustavo Tepedino; Gustavo Cerqueira (Eds.), Études en l’honneur du Professeur Lacyr de Aguilar Vieira, 2022.

Notes on Civil Liability for Loss of Chance as an Autonomous Form of Damage. In: Fábio Ulhoa Coelho; Gustavo Tepedino; Selma Ferreira Lemes (Eds.), The Evolution of Law in the 21st Century: Its Principles and Values (ESG, Freedom, Regulation, Equality, and Legal Certainty) – A Tribute to Professor Arnoldo Wald, 2022.

Fiduciary Business, Segregated Assets, and Trust. In: Civil Law – The Future of Law. Processo Publishing House, 2022.

Real Estate Fiduciary Alienation. In: André Gustavo Andrade; Cristina Tereza Gaulia; José Roberto de Castro Neves; Marco Aurélio Bezerra de Melo (Eds.), Lessons in Real Estate Law: A Tribute to Sylvio Capanema. Rio de Janeiro: GZ Publishing House, 2021.

Notes on the Legal Regime of Investment Funds. In: Felipe Hanszmann; Lucas Hermeto (Eds.), Current Topics in Corporate Law and Capital Markets. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2021.

Digital Estate: Controversies Regarding Succession Causa Mortis. In: Ana Carolina Brochado Teixeira; Livia Teixeira Leal (Eds.), Digital Inheritance: Controversies and Alternatives. Indaiatuba: Foco Publishing House, 2021.

Essential Elements for Structuring Effective Data Protection Compliance Programs. In: Ana Frazão; Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva (Eds.), Compliance and Data Protection Policy. Revista dos Tribunais, 2021.

Notes on Fraud Against Creditors. In: Henrique Barbosa; Jorge Cesa Ferreira da Silva (Eds.), The Evolution of Business and Contract Law: 18 Years of the Civil Code. Quartier Latin Publishing House, 2021, Vol. 2.

Treatment of Data of Children and Adolescents in LGPD and the Legal Incapacity System of the Civil Code. In: Priscilla Silva Laterça; Elora Fernandes; Chiara Spadaccini de Teffé; Sérgio Branco (Eds.), Privacy and Data Protection of Children and Adolescents. Obliq, 2021.

Digital Inheritance and Consumer Protection Against Abusive Clauses. Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 135, 2021.

Consumer Protection in Times of Pandemic. In: Claudia Lima Marques; Herman Benjamin; Bruno Miragem (Eds.), Consumer Law in a Changing World. Revista dos Tribunais, 2020.

Supplier’s Civil Liability for Breach of Obligations of Means: The Case of Investment Fund Managers. In: Gisela Sampaio; Aline Terra (Eds.), Nonperformance of Obligations. Rio de Janeiro: Processo Publishing House, 2020.

Non-Indemnity Clauses in Consumer Relations and in Civil Adhesion Contracts. Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 129, 2020.

Sharing of Real Estate Guarantees Through Fiduciary Title. Revista de Direito Civil Contemporâneo, Vol. 21, 2019.

The Contractual Choice of Forum. In: Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro Mendes; Cândido Rangel Dinamarco; Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho; Luiz Fux (Eds.), Studies in Procedural Law in Honor of Paulo Cezar Pinheiro Carneiro. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: GZ Publishing House, 2019, Vol. 1.

Main Aspects Regarding Voluntary Representation and the Mandate Agreement. In: General Theory of Civil Law: Controversial Issues. Belo Horizonte: Forum Publishing House, 2019.

Data Processing for Granting Credit. In: General Data Protection Law. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2019.

Personal Data Compliance. In: General Data Protection Law. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2019.

Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Brazilian Law Report. In: Gert Straetmans (Ed.), Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers. 1st ed. Antwerp, Belgium: Springer, 2019, Vol. 33.

Origin and Historical Evolution of Compliance in Brazilian Law. In: Compliance: Perspectives and Challenges of Conformity Programs. Belo Horizonte: Forum Publishing House, 2018.

Contemporary Challenges in Consumer Protection: Codification and the Plurality of Normative Sources. Revista Brasileira de Direito Civil, Vol. 16, 2018.

Notes on Conditions in Legal Transactions. Revista de Direito Civil Contemporâneo, Vol. 16, 2018.

Trust. In: The Architecture of Succession Planning. 1st ed. Belo Horizonte: Forum Publishing House, 2018, Vol. 1.

Segregated Assets and Minimum Assets. In: Transformations in Private Law in the 30 Years of the Constitution: Studies in Honor of Luiz Edson Fachin. Belo Horizonte: Forum Publishing House, 2018.

Notes on Propter Rem Obligations. In: Direito da Cidade, Vol. 9, 2017.

Controlling the Abuse in Choice of Forum Clauses. In: Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 109, 2017.

Agreements and Segregated Assets as Risk Management Instruments. In: The Individual and the Market Under the Methodology of Civil-Constitutional Law. 1st ed. Santa Cruz do Sul: Essere nel Mondo, 2016.

Indemnifying Penal Clause Established in the Consumers’ Favor and the Basic Right to Full Compensation. Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 105, 2016.

Autonomy of Voluntary Representation in Brazilian Law and Determination of the Rules Applicable to It. Revista Magister de Direito Civil e Processual Civil, 2016.

Segregated Assets in the New Code of Civil Procedure. Pensar – Journal of Legal Sciences, Vol. 21, 2016.

Personality and Capacity in Constitutional Legality. In: Rights of People with Intellectual and Mental Disabilities in Private Relations. Rio de Janeiro: Processo Publishing House, 2016.

Condominium and Subjectivity: Critical Analysis of the Category of Entities Without Legal Personality. In: Civil Law – UERJ Law. Carlos Edison do Rêgo Monteiro Filho; Gisela Sampaio da Cruz Guedes; Rose Melo Vencelau Meireles (Eds.), Vol. 2. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos and UERJ, 2015.

Real Estate Development and Consumer Law: Notes on Precedent No. 308 of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice. In: XXIV National Meeting of CONPEDI – UFS: Law, Constitution, and Citizenship: Contributions to the Millennium Development Goals. Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2015.

Consumer Protection in Civil and Constitutional Perspectives: The General Clause of Objective Good Faith in Obligational and Real Legal Situations and Precedents 302 and 308 of the Superior Court of Justice Digest of Predominant Jurisprudence. Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 101, 2015.

Fiduciary Transactions: Terminable Ownership and the Clauses Prohibiting Disposal, Levy, and Commingling. In: Real Estate Law: Writings in Honor of Professor Ricardo Pereira Lira. São Paulo: Atlas, 2015.

The Fiduciary Agreement Provided for in Senate Bill 487/2013: Fiduciary Ownership and Property Separation. In: New Reflections on the Commercial Code Bill. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2015.

Non-Pecuniary Damages and Contractual Breach in Consumer Relations. In: Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Vol. 93, 2014.

Transfer of Real Estate Ownership Through Atypical Contracts. In: Revista Forense, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 418, 2013.

Strict Liability and Business Risk: The Application of the Sole Paragraph of Article 927 of the Brazilian Civil Code. In: Dialogues Between Labor Law and Civil Law. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2013.

Property in Brazilian Law. In: The Civil Code from a Civil-Constitutional Perspective: General Part. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2013.

Contractual Balance and Abusive Clauses. In: The Superior Court of Justice and the Reconstruction of Private Law. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2011.

Damages Due to the “Investment Fund”: Which Shareholder Will Be Benefited, the Current One or the One at the Date of the Damage? In: Revista dos Tribunais, Vol. 904, 2011.

Asset Management in Brazilian Law and the Need to Incorporate the Main Effects of the Trust. In: Dialogues on Civil Law, Vol. III. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2011.

Trust: The Relevance of Incorporating the Effects of Trust into Brazilian Law. In: Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil, Vol. 48, 2011.

The Trust and Brazilian Law: Separate Equity and Fiduciary Ownership. In: Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, No. 6. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2010.

The Purchaser’s Liability for Condominium Charges on Horizontal Property. In: Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil, No. 26. Rio de Janeiro: Padma, Apr./Jun. 2006.

Texts published in newspapers:

Life Insurance and Pandemic. In: Migalhas, 2020.

Digital Certificate: Silent Threat to Lawyers’ Personal Data. In: Migalhas, 2020.

Contracts, Force Majeure, Excessive Burden, and Property Imbalance. In: Conjur – Consultor Jurídico, 2020.

The New Guarantee of Agribusiness. In: JOTA, 2019.

The Segregated Assets in the Provisional Presidential Decree on Agribusiness. In: Conjur – Consultor Jurídico, 2019.

Effects of Compliance in Private Law. In: JOTA, 2018.

Should the Trust Be Incorporated into Brazilian Law? In: JOTA, 2018.

Uncovering the Segregated Assets. In: JOTA, 2017.

How Much Is the Fiduciary Guarantee Worth? In: JOTA, 2017.