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Gustavo Tepedino Advogados

Paula Greco Bandeira

Paula Greco Bandeira

Lawyer enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, State of Rio de Janeiro, State of São Paulo, and Federal District chapters. Member of law firm Gustavo Tepedino Advogados since it was founded in 2006.


Doctoral degree in Civil Law at the Rio de Janeiro State University. Master’s degree in Civil Law at the Rio de Janeiro State University. Bachelor’s degree in Law at the Rio de Janeiro State University.


Lawyer in charge of the consulting area of Gustavo Tepedino Advogados, with an emphasis on matters related to private law in general. She also acts as a lawyer in judicial and arbitration proceedings, as well as an arbitrator.

Academic Activities

Associate Professor of Civil Law at the Law School of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Professor of postgraduate courses at the Center for Studies and Research on Teaching Law – CEPED/UERJ. Visiting Researcher at the European University Institute (EUI) – Florence, Italy (2013).

Institutional Activities

Member of the Brazilian Institute of Civil Law (IBDCivil), IBDCont – Brazilian Institute of Contractual Law, Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française and the Civil Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RJ).

Main publications

  • Fundamentos do direito civil: contratos, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2020
  • Contrato incompleto, São Paulo: Atlas, 2015.
  • Contratos aleatórios no direito brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2010
  • Compensatory support in the Brazilian law: inadmissibility due to lack of legal source and incompatibility of function (“Os alimentos compensatórios no direito brasileiro: inadmissibilidade por ausência de fonte legal e incompatibilidade de função”). In: Marcos Ehrhardt Júnior; Erouths Cortiano Júnior. (Ed.). Transformações no Direito Privado nos 30 Anos da Constituição: estudos em homenagem a Luiz Edson Fachin. v. 1, 1ed. Belo Horizonte: Forum, 2019, pp. 709-719.
  • Le contrat, in Cyril Grimaldi. (Ed.). Bibliothèque de L’Association Henri Capitant: Droit du Brésil. 1 ed. Issy-les-Molineaux: LGDJ, 2018, pp. 79-89;
  • The express resolutive clause and the incomplete contract as mechanisms of management of risks (“A cláusula resolutiva expressa e o contrato incompleto como instrumentos de gestão de risco nos contratos”) (co-author). In: Gustavo Tepedino; Ana Carolina Brochado Teixeira; Vitor Almeida. (Ed.). O direito civil entre o sujeito e a pessoa: estudos em homenagem ao professor Stefano Rodotà. 1 ed. Belo Horizonte: Editora Fórum, 2016, pp. 383-401;
  • Incomplete contracts and soft law (“Os contratos incompletos e a soft law”). In: Revista dos Tribunais, v. 966, São Paulo: RT, 2016, pp. 145-165;
  • The hardship clauses and the objective good-faith duty to renegotiate agreements (“As cláusulas de hardship e o dever da boa-fé objetiva na renegociação dos contratos”). In: Pensar – Revista de Ciências Jurídicas, v. 21, 2016, pp. 1031-1054;
  • The incomplete contract and the economic analysis of the law (“O contrato incompleto e a análise econômica do direito”). In: Revista Quaestio Iuris, v. 8, 2015, pp. 2696-2718;
  • Notes on the sole paragraph of article 944 of the Brazilian Civil Code (“Notas sobre o parágrafo único do artigo 944 do Código Civil”). In: civilí revista eletrônica de direito civil, v. 2, 2012;
  • Derivative contracts and the theory of unpredictability (“Os contratos de derivativos e a teoria da imprevisão”). In: Gustavo Tepedino and Luiz Edson Fachin (Eds.), Doutrinas essenciais: obrigações e contratos, v. 4, São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2011, pp. 773-800;
  • Foundations of civil liability of the accomplice third party (“Fundamentos da responsabilidade civil do terceiro cúmplice”). In: Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil, v. 30, Rio de Janeiro: Padma, 2007, pp. 79-127.

Lattes Curriculum:


Foreign Languages

English, French, and Italian.
