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Gustavo Tepedino Advogados

Andre Vasconcelos Roque

Andre Vasconcelos Roque

Lawyer, enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), in the Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ), São Paulo (OAB/SP), and Federal District (OAB/DF) Chapters. Member of the Gustavo Tepedino Advogados law firm since 2012.

Master’s Degree and PhD in Procedural Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Degree in Law from Rio de Janeiro State University.

Areas of Expertise
Administrative and arbitral litigation, with focus on procedural law-related matters in general.

Academic Activity
Associate professor of Civil Procedural Law at Rio de Janeiro State University for the undergraduate, masters’ and PhD programs. Professor of postgraduation courses.

Institutional Activity
Member of the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law (IBDP). Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr). Member of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (IAB). Member of the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law (IIDP). Member of the Pan-American Institute of Procedural Law (IPDP). Founder of the Center for Advanced Procedural Studies (CEAPRO).

Main Publications

  • Mini Novo CPC – Lei 13.105/2015 (Mini New Code of Civil Procedure – Law 13,105/05) 3rd ed. Indaiatuba: Foco, 2019 (Organizer).
  • CPC na jurisprudência (The Code of Civil Procedure in Precedents). Indaiatuba: Foco, 2018.
  • Teoria Geral do Processo – Comentários ao CPC de 2015 (General Procedural Theory – Comments to the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure). 3rd ed. São Paulo: Método, 2019.
  • Processo de conhecimento e cumprimento de sentença – Comentários ao CPC de 2015 (Cognizance Procedure and Judgment Satisfaction – Comments to the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure). 2nd ed. São Paulo: Método, 2018.
  • Execução e recursos – Comentários ao CPC de 2015 (Execution and Appeals – Comments to the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure). 2nd ed. São Paulo: Método, 2018.
  • Class actions – ações coletivas nos Estados Unidos: o que podemos aprender com eles? (Class actions in the United States – What can we learn from them?). Salvador: Juspodivm, 2013.
  • Mandado de segurança – Comentários à Lei n° 12.016/09 (Writ of mandamus – Comments to Law 12,016/09). Curitiba: 2011.
  • Columnist for the website Migalhas. Columns: Tendências do Processo Civil (Civil Procedure Trends) and Insolvência em foco (Insolvency in the Spotlight).

OAB registration numbers:
OAB/RJ 130.538
OAB/SP 349.128
OAB/DF 49.917

Lattes Curriculum

English and Spanish.
